
Help & Advice

At Lancaster Solutions, we’re more than just a service - we’re a beacon of hope in the stormy seas of mental health challenges. Our mission is deeply rooted in our commitment to provide comprehensive mental health support and resources. We strive to reduce the incidence of suicide and increase advocacy for mental health.

Our services are as diverse as the individuals we serve. We start with Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training, offering a variety of levels to cater to different needs. As we grow, we’ll introduce more courses and programmes, expanding our reach and impact.

We believe that everyone’s journey with mental health is unique, which is why we offer a flexible and adaptable approach to our training. We understand the importance of structure, but we’re not afraid to deviate from the plan to suit each client’s needs and preferred methods of learning.

Mental Health

Trust and high-quality services are the cornerstones of our reputation. We’ve built this through respectful communication and personal experiences. Our passion and drive for awareness and advocacy for suicide prevention set us apart from other trainers.

But we also understand that sometimes, you might need additional support. That’s why we’ve curated a list of recommended mental health services, which you can find on this page. These resources offer a range of support options, from counselling to crisis intervention.

At Lancaster Solutions, we want you to remember that it’s okay to ask for help. You’re not alone. We’re here for you, every step of the way. And when you need it, there’s a whole community of support waiting for you. Because mental health is a journey, and no one should have to walk it alone.